Tired of all the choices?

You know natural health is best for you and your family.

But your health (or theirs) still isn't at 100%

So how do you know what you're missing?

In other words - how do you know specifically what is going to help you?

You know that your body was wonderfully and fearfully made - but why isn't it working right-and how do you figure that out?

Before I answer that -

I'm going to be honest with you here. I want you to be healthy.

Confidently. Peacefully.

There's media manipulation and lies.

There's information and misinformation. And who knows which is which?

But there is one thing I know for certain:

The more you understand your body and are able to take your health into your hands, the more we can ALL take back our health.

Women are the ones who choose the food.

We manage the doctors' visits and medications.

We are the ones mainly in charge of our children's health.

We take care of our parents as they age.

Sure, I'd love for it to be more equal and balanced.

But the fact is - lots of men know a lot -

but it's the women, mainly the women, who implement.

Certainty gives us peace of mind.

And this tool creates certainty. Which provides peace of mind.

With peace of mind, we can relax and experience love.

We need more love. For ourselves. For the world.

And as long as we're running around freaked out about our health,

we can't relax into love.

Not like we could.

And this tool's foundation is love. Its implementation results in health.

So I want you to have this tool because I truly believe it will help ALL of us,

not just those who can afford to go to holistic doctors.

I've been using this for decades.

It's time we ALL are able to use it.

Trial and error can take years.
You need answers now.

And answers so you don't HAVE to get the Media-Pushed, Big Pharma remedy.

This system helps you cut through

all the data, theories, and what works for other people

to find out what works for you.

How often have you had someone swear

that This is IT! It changed my life!

And you try it-but it does nothing.

That's because YOU ARE UNIQUE.

And so is what will help you.

Going to a natural doctor is expensive.

And typically for the wealthy.

But what if you could have those skills at home?

What if you had a tool that many natural doctors

effectively use to get answers?

But designed for you to use at home,

with a little bit of love thrown in?

And leaning on God's wisdom?



Or THOUSANDS OF HOURS of education,

which you can't take away from your family or career.

But could learn it at home, on your time,

with your life just the way it is?

That's what this book outlines.

The tools are outlined here for you.

You can have that information at your fingertips.

Of COURSE you won't have all the medical education,

and OF COURSE you'll be limited by your level of knowledge.

But you know you and your kids best - and that's something


You have a mother's knowing.

And your own innate wisdom.

With the innate skills you already have,

all the research and information you already know,

and the tools available in this book,

you will be able to get to the underpinnings of your health.

And your family's health.

Scroll down to find out more.

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Table of Contents


  • Introduction

  • Chapter 1: A New Reality

  • Chapter 2: Who This Book (and Message) Is For

  • Chapter 3: The 5 Problems

    • Hard Lesson #1. Complexity Won’t Fix Your Health

      • Success Check-in Exercise

    • Hard Lesson #2. It’s Getting Harder To Get Real Information

      • Success Check-in Exercise

    • Hard Lesson #3. Switching 100% to Natural Health Is Risky

      • Success Check-in Exercise

    • Hard Lesson #4. Paying for Appropriate and USEABLE Knowledge is Necessary

      • Success Check-in Exercise

    • Hard Lesson #5. You Are Going To Be On The Forefront of Change

      • Success Check-inExercise

  • Chapter 4: The Secret Key

  • Chapter 5: The #1 Problem! (Or, The Catch)


  • Chapter 6: Balance: the Core  Mechanism

  • Chapter 7: Quantum Response Testing: Step-By-Step Overview

  • Chapter 9: Critical Component


  • Chapter 10: Emotional & Mental Balancing & Repatterning EMBeR

  • Chapter 11: How to Explain Quantum Response Testing


  • What To Do Next?

  • Get More Help

  • About The Author

  • Resources 157Courses:

  • Whole Food Supplements

  • References

what you'll get from book

  • Get clear on what you need and what your family needs by using this process of assessing dangers to health, supplements, and solutions.

  • Be clear about mindset with muscle testing

  • Identify the 4 Parts of the physical stance and the importance of each

  • Understand how to do a Mindful Lean

  • Be able to implement APOA and know what you need to work on

  • Understand the importance of repetition

  • Recognize the role of the receiver (person getting tested)

  • Understand how to self-test and get consistently accurate responses

  • Have a good idea of when you can best make use of muscle testing

  • Know who not to test

  • Understand when not to usemuscle testing

  • Understand when it can be harmful to use muscle testing

  • Understand when to consult with a muscle testing professional

  • Understand that each technique has its own process

  • Recognize possible interferences to health.

  • Know two ways to dose supplements.

  • Understand the limitations of dosing with over-the-counter medications

  • Understand what remote testing is

  • Understand what makes remote

    testing not work well

  • Know the location of the five main organs that need support

  • Recognize some of the more common symptoms for the 5 main organs for health

  • Get the process chart for identifying sick and stuck emotions in your body - and how to elevate those into healing

  • Recognize the limitations of use and realistic expectations.

  • Understand why this technique is called Quantum Response Testing, and why that will set your skills apart from anyone else using any muscle response testing technique.

  • Understand activating your heartset and why love is the foundation of QRT.

  • Know the four elements of APOA (Art of Pushing On an Arm) and the importance of each

  • Have a basic idea of thedefinition of quantum aand why that is important with muscle response testing(what most don't tell you)

  • Understand how the atom relates to the quantum

  • Grasp the idea of coherence and incoherence- and how that affects health and your results

  • Understand the importance of being coherent with QRT

  • Understand the importance of activating your heartset (unique to QRT)

  • Be clear on what muscle testing is.

  • Understand when and why muscle testing won't work, and what you can do about it

  • Become familiar with The Quantum Response Testing difference (why your connection with and ability to listen to God matters)

  • Become effective at using the Art of Pushing on an Arm-or APOA, which is what most people mess up (and think they can't do it)

  • Understand when it can be harmfulto use muscle testing and when to consult with a muscle testing professional

  • Gain knowledge of whenyou can trust muscle testing- and when you can't!

  • Become familiar with the basic use for muscle testing

  • Be clear on when you should not to use muscle testing

  • Understand when muscle testing doesn’t work (and what to do about it- great for you if you've trained with MRT but haven't been able to get consistent results).

About the author

Dr. Bonnie Juul is an expert in wellness, health restoration, and healing. She started her own health journey in 2000 when the pain specialist referred her to a psychiatrist. It took her five years to figure that a vaccine injury was the underlying problem.

Through the holistic approach of chiropractic and numerous alternative healing techniques, she was able to dig her way out of a very dark future of medical treatments and disability and into a world of health, vitality, and joy.

Now she helps others do the same. She is the author of numerous books, and has helped thousands of people on their journey toward health.

She is dedicated to helping you experience and gain the freedom in health that she has been fortunate to experience. At her worst, she was barely able to walk a block without gasping for air and experiencing excruciating pain in her joints.

Today, when she isn’t focused on her businesses, she loves to do anything she can to move and fill her lungs with fresh air. She especially loves tennis, jogging, going for walks and exercising in her home gym in the early mornings. 

Above all, Dr. Bonnie believes that true health comes from a foundation of a spiritual connection with God, every small choice we make, and a trust that the earth provides us with the nutrients that we need to be healthy.

This gives us freedom to be more present for our families and our communities. In return, we get to experience love, freedom, and joy. All inquiries for podcast appearances, video shows, and speaking can be sent to [email protected].